Yay!Coin is being converted to $EMPL.
You can use $EMPL to send gifts to users, convert gifts to $EMPL and own $EMPL.
Yay! Coin | $EMPL | |
How to Acquire |
- In-app purchases - Distribution via campaigns |
- In-app purchases - By exchanging gifts received from other users - As rewards for contributions to the Yay! community |
Exchange Rate | - 50 Yay! Coin can purchase the cheapest gift | - 5 $EMPL can purchase the cheapest gift |
Usage | - Purchase and send gifts to other users |
- Purchase and send gifts to other users - Exchange for Amazon gift cards (not implemented in the test version of Yay!) - Exchange for $YAY (in the test version, exchangeable only for testnet $YAY, not cashable) |
Expiration |
- None. - However, freely distributed Yay! Coin expire six months from the distribution date |
- None. |
- Yay! Coin refers to both the complimentary Yay! Coin distributed by the company and those issued against payments made by users to the company.
- The exchange rate is 10 Yay! Coin to 1 $EMPL. Fractions will be rounded up.
Access to $EMPL screen(iOS/ Android)
- In the app settings, tap on your account name
- Tap [EMPL] to view your current $EMPL balance, exchange history, and access the purchase screen
Purchase of $EMPL(iOS/ Android)
Bonuses are granted based on the amount of $EMPL purchased.
Features of $EMPL
- $EMPL will be distributed as a reward for community contributions based on the results of Pal races
- Various rewards are divided into $EMPL and Locked $EMPL
- Regarding $EMPL and Locked $EMPL, they are treated as the same within the service, with Locked $EMPL being consumed first