If you are purchasing VIP and the following situation occurs, please be sure to cancel VIP.
- If you delete VIP account
- If you want to change another VIP plan
- If your account is banned
Since the VIP subscription is purchased through the store, we cannot cancel subscription.
Please be sure to cancel by yourself.
How to cancel VIP on iOS
- Open the Appstore and tap the icon on the top right
- Tap the subscription button
- On the subscription screen, tap Yay! app
- A confirmation pop-up will appear, tap the confirmation button and complete the process
How to cancel VIP on Android
- Open Play Store and tap the icon on the top right
- Tap on Subscription
- Tap [Payments & subscriptions], tap [Yay!] and tap [Cancel subscription] to complete the process
How to repurchase VIP subscription
If you want to purchase it again after canceling your subscription, please note the following.
- Please make sure it has expired
New purchases cannot be made within the validity period.
Please be sure to purchase in app after the expiry date. - Please purchase in app
Due to the specification that it is possible to create multiple accounts,
VIP will not be added to your account if purchased from the store.
Please be sure to purchase in-app.
You cannot purchase from the store's subscription page "Renew".
*If you purchase from here, it cannot be given.
Please be sure to purchase from within the application.