To withdraw $EMPL within the app, you can exchange it for an equivalent market value of $YAY. Upon withdrawal, the $YAY, minus fees, will be sent to your wallet.
*In the testing version, $EMPL can only be withdrawn to $YAY on the Testnet.
*There will be a 1 $EMPL withdrawal fee In the testing version. Details are provided at the end of this article.
How to transfer $EMPL from your bag to your wallet (for iOS/ Android)
- Tap [See more] at $EMPL section in your bag
- Tap [Withdraw]
- Tap [$YAY]
- Type the amount for withdrawing and tap [Next]
- Confirm the amount to withdraw as well as gas fee and tap [Confirm]
*$EMPL transactions require $EMPL as gas fee
The transfers in progress.
It shows your reward activity, your wallet activity and your bag activity.
1 $EMPL as gas fee
For $EMPL withdrawals, a fee of 1 $EMPL will be charged.
For example, if you withdraw 100 $EMPL, 1 $EMPL will be taken as gas fee, and you will receive the equivalent of 99 $EMPL in $YAY.
Please note that this fee may be subject to change eventually in the testing version. Thank you for your understanding.