As part of the safety measures on Yay! a ⚠️ Flag icon appears next to the names of accounts that meet the following conditions.
■Conditions for the ⚠ Flag icon
・Becoming suspended temporarily as a “Rule breaker” after having a violation of the terms for about a week.
・Receiving several reports in the first few days after account creation
▷(The exact number of days/reports information are not open to the public.)
They are users who have been suspended as Rule breakers for violating the terms or received multiple reports.
Be very careful when interacting with them.
■Removing the ⚠ Flag icon
Once you get the ⚠ Flag icon, you cannot remove it.
The ⚠ Flag icon will be automatically removed for about a week, so please wait until then.
■Other references
・Yay! terms of use
・Penalty standards