By saving your Yay! account, you will be able to log into your account using the account saving method in the settings, even if you change devices or your login session expires.
If you have trouble logging in, we will assist you as much as possible.
However, in the following situations, our support may be limited.
If the account has not been saved
If the account saving method has not been updated
*For example, if you previously saved your account via LINE but have since deleted the corresponding LINE account
Therefore, please be sure to save your account, and if the account saving method in the settings becomes unusable, please set up a different account saving method separately.
How to renew your account saving method (For iOS and Android)
- Tap the Settings icon on the profile page and tap [Account]
- Tap [Save current account]
- Setup your account saving method
How to newly save your account (For iOS and Android)
If you are using an account that has not been saved, a popup prompting you to save your account will appear. Please refer to the following screen transitions for the setup method.
Log in to your account (For iOS and Android)
Tap [Login] on the initial screen
Log in using the method you set when saving your account